Faulting and Crustal Mechanics
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Results for: Faulting and Crustal Mechanics
- “State of Stress in Areas of Induced Seismicity across North America”, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, paper MR019-0001. https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm20/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/729942.
- “Direct Stress Field Estimation through Waveform Matching”, Royal Astronomical Society. https://doi.org/doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa034.
- “State of Stress and Seismotectonics in the Vicinity of the 9 August 2020 MW5.1 Sparta, North Carolina, Earthquake”, Geological Society of America.
- “Stress Orientation and Relative Stress Magnitudes Throughout the North American Plate”, Geological Society of America. https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2020AM/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/353108.
- “Injection-Induced Seismicity and Fault-Slip Potential in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas”. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120190017.
- “State of Stress in the Permian Basin, Texas and New Mexico: Implications for Induced Seismicity”. https://doi.org/10.1190/tle37020127.1.
- “Scale-Invariant Stress Orientation and Seismicity Rates Near the San Andreas Fault”. https://doi.org/10.1029/2010GL045025.
- Zoback, M.D., S. Hickman, and W. Ellsworth. “Scientific Drilling into the San Andreas Fault - An Overview of SAFOD’s First Five Years”, Scientific Drilling, 11 (2010): 14-28. https://pangea.stanford.edu/departments/geophysics/dropbox/STRESS/publications/MDZ%20PDF’s/2010/2010_Scientific_drilling_into_San_Andreas_fault.pdf.
- Lucier, A., M.D. Zoback, V. Heesakkers, and Z. Reches. “Constraining the Far-Field Stress State Near a Deep South African Gold Mine (2008)”, 42nd US Rock Mechanics Symposium, San Francisco, CA. http://pangea.stanford.edu/departments/geophysics/dropbox/STRESS/publications/MDZ%20PDF’s/2008/Lucier,%20Zoback%20et%20al%20IRMS2008%20in%20press.pdf.
- Mallman, E.P., and M.D. Zoback. “Assessing Elastic Coulomb Stress Transfer Models Using Seismicity Rates in Southern California and Southwestern Japan”, Jour. Geophys. Res., 112 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1029/2005JB004076.
- Zoback, M.L., and M.D. Zoback. “Lithosphere Stress and Deformation, in Earthquake Seismology”, Treatise on Geophysics Vol. 6, ed. A. Watts and G. Schubert, Elsevier Ltd., Amsterdam, 253-74. http://pangea.stanford.edu/departments/geophysics/dropbox/STRESS/publications/MDZ%20PDF’s/2007/Zoback%20and%20Zoback%20Final%20Treatise%20Paper.pdf.
- Fernandez-Ibanez, F., J.I. Soto, M.D. Zoback, and J. Morales. “Present-Day Stress Field in the Gibraltar Arc (Western Mediterranean)”, Jour. Geophys. Res., 112 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1029/2006JB004683.
- Boness, Naomi, and M.D. Zoback. “Mapping Stress and Structurally-Controlled Crustal Shear Velocity Anisotropy in California”, Geology, 34 (2006): 8250828. http://pangea.stanford.edu/departments/geophysics/dropbox/STRESS/publications/MDZ%20PDF’s/2006/boness_zoback_Geology.pdf.
- Ito, T., M.D. Zoback, and P. Peska. “Utilization of Mud Weights in Excess of the Least Principal Stress in Extreme Drilling Environments”, In: 37th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vail Colorado. http://pangea.stanford.edu/departments/geophysics/dropbox/STRESS/publications/MDZ%20PDF’s/1999/1999-utilization%20of%20mud%20weights.pdf.